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Wound Care

wound care

Wound care is particularly important for those with diabetes. It’s possible that what appears to be a small wound could turn into more severe foot complications down the road if left untreated. Often times patients may start to experience a hard, or difficult to heal wound. If this is the case it is important you seek medical attention right away.

To avoid ignoring wounds and to help prevent the development of serious foot conditions, it’s advised to check your feet daily for any abnormalities. It can also be beneficial to wear comfortable shoes with extra support. Avoiding high heels and other tight-fitting shoes may help in preventing certain foot complications. You should also be careful in how you trim your toenails. Avoid cutting at an angle and digging into the sides of skin surrounding the nail. Lastly, be sure to wash and dry your feet thoroughly to maintain proper hygiene for your feet.

For information on wound care and wound prevention, we recommend you speak with a podiatrist for professional care and advice.

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